With in-person trade show cancellations and postponements in 2020 and early 2021, it has been quite a while since industry professionals gathered for an IP Showcase event. Thanks to the work of many AIMS volunteers and partners, however, the IP Showcase has made a successful return.

AIMS TechFest 2021 Presents: IP Showcase took place in May and was an immense success, drawing attendees from over 30 countries. AIMS hosted the online event along with AMWA and the VSF, and presentations tackled a wide array of topics related to IP for media transport. In all, more than a dozen experts spoke to critical considerations across standards, design, implementation, and future developments.

Recordings of AIMS TechFest 2021 Presents: IP Showcase presentations are now available for on-demand viewing twice per week. Follow AIMS on LinkedIn and Twitter each week to catch these great educational presentations and visit https://aimsalliance.org/techfest-2021/ for a list of recordings as they become available.

That’s not the only great content available through the AIMS website. The new AIMS Product Portal gives you the resources you need to learn more about how to simplify your transition from SDI to IP. You’ll find a collection of helpful videos and product information at https://solutions.aimsalliance.org/.

For a deeper dive into interoperable IP for the Pro AV industry, you can also check out “Standardise and deliver,” a new article by Paul Bray of AV Magazine. It’s a thorough article and well worth a read!