The pandemic accelerated the already ongoing trend of remote broadcasting, this led to more and more AES67 users experimenting with Wide Area Networks (WANs) despite AES67 being originally designed for Local Area Networks (LAN). The AES SC-02-12M working group on AES67 development saw here a need of describing what to expect on WANs and issued the AES-R20-2021 report in September 2021 on best practices of using AES67 outside of the typical LAN use case. We will present typical problems that arise when doing transmissions over long distance and leased networks and how to solve them while keeping interoperability with ST2210 and AES67. Be it over the internet, over a privately owned WAN, or in a data center, some constrained and limitations are to be taken into consideration: How to keep multiple sites PTP synchronous? How to prevent the issues of an unavoidable packet loss? Multicast or unicast? How to handle Quality Of Service? While most of those solutions are use case dependant, they often need a compromise. We will explain the origin of those problems and propose solutions that allow streaming of AES67 beyond the LAN.

File Type: pdf
Categories: Cloud and WAN
Presenters: Nicolas Sturmel - Merging Technologies
Year: 2022
Downloads: 7