The presentation gives an overview of how broadcasters are venturing to become true media organizations. It explains how IT practices evolved in parallel and how we can now benefit from adopting new practices like containerization and disaggregation on top of the IP technologies to design our own Dynamic Media Facilities.

Categories: Uncategorized
Presenters: Ievgen Kostiukevych and Willem Vermost - EBU and VRT
Year: 2023
dlp_document_meta: Broadcasters, Media organizations, IT practices, Containerization, Disaggregation, IP technologies, Dynamic Media Facilities, Media over IP, Media value chain, On-prem, Cloud, Scalable resources, shareable resources, Software Media Functions, SMF, Compute-agnostic architecture, Infrastructure, Architectural paradigm, EBU, Interoperability, Customization, Flexibility, Adaptability, infrastructure management, "Pets" vs. "Cattle", Media appliances
Downloads: 13