The broadcast industry is in the midst of this digital transformation - the migration of networks and applications to a centralized IP-based cloud, accelerated innovation, and business expansion for enterprises – however moving to all-IP network and cloud must rely on automated expertise for the industry to concentrate on content and distribution. Enterprise digital transformation has boosted business agility and market adaptivity. The migration of all networks and applications to a centralized IP-based cloud, accelerated innovation and business expansion. The cloud however, requires expert engineers to deploy, manage and operate. Further, as it becomes business-critical, it needs to be monitored constantly and continuously. As IT becomes a main artery of organizations, multiple tools have emerged to automate, abstract, and processize their operations. This reduced TCO and risks, ensured business continuity, and effectively accelerated adoption of cloud. The broadcast industry is in the midst of this transformation – the challenge to move to cloud based on all-IP network, must rely on automated expertise, for the industry to concentrate on content and distribution. In this presentation we will look at the challenges and concepts to build sound foundations to an all-IP network and cloud, and compare the steps performed by IT and expected in broadcast.
File Type:
ST 2110 Basics
Gabriel Kerner - Alvalinks