This session will address how to design an IP network for 2110 transport, with emphasis on how to avoid congestion and hashing collisions, and on how these problems are solved with network protocols and enhancements, or SDN controller orchestrating the network. The world of IP networks can be complicated, full of protocols and choices to make, but what are the right choices and how to be sure everything will work. This session will explain the common issues and challenges for multicast transport in IP networks, and how to ensure that important media flows will reach the destination unaffected. Hashing of IP traffic over available links is another issue, that could affect media flows in the network. This session will propose ideas on how to design multicast networks and what are options in actively managing flows in networks or doing it outside the network using an SDN controller, and how users can benefit from both approaches. Come and see how your ST 2110 signals can be transported in a fast, reliable, and deterministic way.
File Type:
Network Infrastructure
Nemanja Kamenica - Cisco