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Cassidy Lee Phillips (Imagine Communications)
Tony Pearson (North Carolina State University)

When NC State University (NCSU) was looking to upgrade the Pro-AV gear driving its Distance Education and Learning Technology Applications (DELTA) program, they decided to future-proof their infrastructure with a standards-based approach to IP, while continuing to leverage existing SDI gear. Using SMPTE ST 2110, NCSU significantly multiplied the capacity of their fiber infrastructure — where four single-mode fiber strands had supported four HD video channels, now just two fiber strands deliver 32 bidirectional HD channels.

This presentation will share the real-world experiences and lessons learned from adopting AES67 and SMPTE ST 2110 to successfully deploy a first-of-its-kind inter-campus Pro-AV system.

Event Timeslots (2)

Weds, Oct. 16
Cassidy Lee Phillips (Imagine Communications), Tony Pearson (North Carolina State University)

Thurs, Oct. 17
Cassidy Lee Phillips (Imagine Communications), Tony Pearson (North Carolina State University)